We are specialised in cleaning your equipment.


cotac offers interior cleaning, exterior washing and ensuring proper cleaning at all locations. On request we can offer customer-specific pre- and post-treatment cleaning according to your requirements, e.g. H2O2 rinsing. Removal of residues from the chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and food industries is done at all cotac stations.

cotac cleaning
cotac cleaning

A thorough interior cleaning service for your tanks

If you have any further questions about our special services for specific products and industries please get in touch with our local staff at cotac. They handle all other enquiries concerning cleaning road tankers, gas containers or CIP processes as well.

Our locations. Always within reach.


Want to learn more about our Cleaning Services?
We are specialized in cleaning different types of equipment and products. Let us talk about your requirements.



Kosher Cleaning

We specialise in certificated Kosher cleaning, which are performed at all cotac locations. Depending on the customer’s requirements, we will implement the special method within the cleaning procedure and certify that. If you are interested in a corresponding offer, please get in touch with our local staff.


kosher logo
kosher logo

National Inter-Trade.
Organisation Europe-Wide.

cotac is represented in the national inter-trade organisation in Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands. cotac Germany is a member of the DVTI (Deutscher Verband für Tankinnenreinigung e.V.). cotac Belgium is represented in the CTC association (COMMISSIE TANK CLEANING vzw), in the ATCN (Association of Tankcleaning Companies Netherlands) in the Netherlands and in the APLICA (Association Professionnelle des Laveurs Intérieurs de Citernes Agréés) in France.

How may we help you?

Leave a message and we will get in touch